Home Home made lasagna with pesto sauce

Home made lasagna with pesto sauce

Mandilli al Pesto / Homemade Lasagnette with Genovese Pesto

For the egg dough to obtain 400 g of lasagnette:

  • 300 g semolina flour
  • 100 g all-purpose flour (type 00)
  • 15 egg yolks

For 4 people:

  • 400 g mandilli (homemade lasagnette)
  • 300 g Zeffirino Genovese pesto (recipe not disclosed)
  1. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to form very thin sheets. Cut the sheets into 5x5 cm squares.
  2. Cook the lasagnette in boiling water for a few minutes.
  3. Put the pesto in a bowl and dilute it with a bit of the pasta cooking water to keep it creamy.
  4. Drain the mandilli and add them to the bowl with the pesto. Toss to coat and serve on warm plates.
Signature Zeffirino Recipes: The Cuisine of Chef Dario